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Kubevpn clone

Clone workloads to run in target-kubeconfig cluster with same volume、env、and network

In this way, you can start up another deployment in same cluster or not, but with different image version, it also supports service mesh proxy. only traffic with special header will hit to cloned_resource.



clone deployment run into current cluster and current namespace

kubevpn clone deployment/productpage

clone deployment run into current cluster with different namespace

kubevpn clone deployment/productpage -n test

clone deployment run into another cluster

kubevpn clone deployment/productpage --target-kubeconfig ~/.kube/other-kubeconfig

clone multiple workloads run into current cluster and current namespace

kubevpn clone deployment/authors deployment/productpage


kubevpn clone deployment authors productpage

clone with mesh, traffic with HTTP header foo=bar, will hit cloned workloads, otherwise hit origin workloads

kubevpn clone deployment/productpage --headers foo=bar

clone workloads which api-server behind of bastion host or ssh jump host

kubevpn clone deployment/productpage --ssh-addr --ssh-username root --ssh-keyfile ~/.ssh/ssh.pem --headers foo=bar

It also supports ProxyJump, like

┌──────┐     ┌──────┐     ┌──────┐     ┌──────┐                 ┌────────────┐
│ pc ├────►│ ssh1 ├────►│ ssh2 ├────►│ ssh3 ├─────►... ─────► │ api-server │
└──────┘ └──────┘ └──────┘ └──────┘ └────────────┘
kubevpn clone service/productpage --ssh-alias <alias> --headers foo=bar

Support ssh auth GSSAPI

kubevpn clone service/productpage --ssh-addr <HOST:PORT> --ssh-username <USERNAME> --gssapi-keytab /path/to/keytab
kubevpn clone service/productpage --ssh-addr <HOST:PORT> --ssh-username <USERNAME> --gssapi-cache /path/to/cache
kubevpn clone service/productpage --ssh-addr <HOST:PORT> --ssh-username <USERNAME> --gssapi-password <PASSWORD>


Enable debug mode or not, true or false

transport engine ("mix"|"raw") mix: use gvisor and raw both (both performance and stable), raw: use raw mode
(best stable)

Extra network CIDR string, add those cidr network to route table, eg: --extra-cidr

Extra domain string, the resolved IP will add to route table, eg: --extra-domain --extra-domain

Extra node IP, add cluster node IP to route table.

GSSAPI cache file path, use command `kinit -c /path/to/cache USERNAME@RELAM` to generate

GSSAPI keytab file path

GSSAPI password

-H, --headers=[]:
Traffic with special headers (use `and` to match all headers) with reverse it to target cluster cloned workloads.
If not special, redirect all traffic to target cluster cloned workloads. eg: --headers foo=bar --headers env=dev

Use this image to startup container

Remote kubeconfig abstract path of ssh server, default is /home/$USERNAME/.kube/config

Optional ssh jump server address to dial as <hostname>:<port>, eg:

Optional config alias with ~/.ssh/config for SSH authentication

Optional bastion jump config string, eg: '--ssh-addr --ssh-username naison --gssapi-password

Optional file with private key for SSH authentication

Optional password for ssh jump server

Optional username for ssh jump server

Sync local dir to remote pod dir. format: LOCAL_DIR:REMOTE_DIR, eg: ~/code:/app/code

Clone container use special image to startup this container, if not special, use origin image

Clone container use this image to startup container, if not special, use origin image

Clone workloads will create in this cluster, if not special, use origin cluster

Clone workloads in this namespace, if not special, use origin namespace

Clone workloads will create this registry domain to replace origin registry, if not special, use origin

transfer image to remote registry, it will transfer image to flags `--image`
special image, default: