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Kubevpn alias

Configure command aliases for easier execution, similar to SSH alias configuration.

This command reads the ~/.kubevpn/config.yaml file as the configuration source. You can also specify a different file path using the -f flag. The configuration supports dependencies; for example, if one cluster's API server needs to be accessed through another cluster, you can use the needs syntax. This allows actions to be performed on the required cluster first before targeting the destination cluster.


If you have the following configuration in your ~/.kubevpn/config.yaml:

Name: dev
Needs: jumper
- connect
- --kubeconfig=~/.kube/config
- --namespace=default
- --lite

Name: jumper
- connect
- --kubeconfig=~/.kube/jumper_config
- --namespace=test

Config file support three field: Name,Needs,Flags

Use kubevpn alias config to simply execute command, connect to cluster network by order: jumper --> dev​

kubevpn alias dev

kubevpn alias jumper, just connect to cluster jumper​

kubevpn alias jumper


-f, --file='/Users/bytedance/.kubevpn/config.yaml':
Config file location

-r, --remote='':
Remote config file, eg: